Are the greedy owners of the splinterlands destroying the game which made them rich?

Asked by akdx Promote - View in - Audit

Greetings friends!

Splinterlands was once a nice game and the game play was fair and transparent. Now it has become a tool for the developers of this game to get maximum profit while ignoring the fairness and transparency which is very necessary for any business. They are changing rules and settings of the game too much. They have their own players who always win, no matter how nice is the team of the other players. It seems that they are in the mood of reaping the maximum profit from the game and then dumping it. Otherwise, they would have played a fair game themselves.

What do you think about this game? Are the greedy owners of the splinterlands destroying the game which made them rich?

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I don't play it. (50.0%) 4 / 8
50.0% Complete (success)
No. (37.5%) 3 / 8
37.5% Complete (success)
Yes. (12.5%) 1 / 8
12.5% Complete (success)

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