Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
This is the short span and crypto prices will boom shortly. chrisaiki 535bab88295892b10ed4482879a7e895c4111a55 None 67.21 8055 5761 2809
This is the short span and crypto prices will boom shortly. sadikulaziz 6e491629073e93a78faba2fc977ff4a044efa1bc None 62.81 70 2649 2036
Cryptos will surpass their all time high prices in this year. abbak7 a8ba859aae15cd6072627ffc4a7bae0a4609dc2f None 72.07 38872 20396 2390
Cryptos will surpass their all time high prices in this year. oadissin cf3ae7017f3052d15623833cc908b19554e7fa40 None 72.70 5938 16884 2281
This is the end of the high price phase and will remain till the end of the year 2022. cst90 4003293db216ee54eb2924f6b022a85be731606a None 58.86 11508 2543 2292
I hate cryptos. isnochys 95972f0d70a006d7ce34c292cd2343a1c68d6eb7 None 67.44 11797 22593 2421