Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Bears will take it down to a new low abbak7 0894f5f68f4de23bbb232fb050b1bf9c14c3a2f2 38679162 72.16 39433 20558 2435
Bears will take it down to a new low russia-btc 328b03d8baab222e99e13a497a1b36e9e39b1884 38689549 63.60 31458 7042 1960
Bears will take it down to a new low maxer27 5afbebcb7209472cdc3be2593f0deaaa7f1c39e3 38677452 67.79 45 10826 2546
Going to cross $8000 easily jeffjagoe f4c0661e548cc818d6d08cb20c1d39352be5d330 38686312 75.47 97236 33112 2882
Going to cross $8000 easily fredkese ff20d133a93e9b3c036bfd638e2f231dccafac8e 38681830 70.74 1304 33363 2419
Can't Decide yet eprolific deea6f5ed34d5bd51bf119f1d658970895c00107 38686749 65.26 459 3491 2364