Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. jeffjagoe 346ab195617d69c1f4f4141d172a9c16faaddcf2 40017980 75.47 97236 33112 2882
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. abbak7 396c17265586d9f3ac3a37cabc9547f6a01f09cc 40011642 72.16 39433 20558 2435
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. maarnio 6e521ff59bf59a89caedff34179b21bba291f683 40060084 75.37 29198 36560 2850
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. akdx 87f9f1415901e8a2d24da6b94240ba607a7c15eb 40037460 67.69 5977 13321 2283
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. kunschj c7f369a8584a22af98b67da6d274cd62ed088b41 40023084 67.52 2715 13738 2621
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. chunkysoupsvc 4749152a3fd26fb7a380648e1d5ae206bd247558 40103363 61.93 1985 2138 1949
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. xplosive 7462c635fe08228105bf199c8c10678559d3d423 40012972 71.43 936 22514 2573
I have done other SPUD’s and I will power up SPUD 10 too. maxer27 2b16a85cb1cb85bf25f228c9ba9b777e73bc363c 40045675 67.79 45 10826 2546
I have not heard of SPUD before and now I will look into it. kirstin 2004f21334309aad8201e2ca848406614ccf4d43 40161634 73.80 14423 9646 2283
I have not heard of SPUD before and now I will look into it. barmbo 4625f435c17eb58dd8a17a452b1bd524bc511204 40161670 73.01 11665 11705 2316
I have not heard of SPUD before and now I will look into it. levi-miron 22d133eaa1ab994c9a9f1a8708cc49606b112b88 40161574 68.77 2927 4997 1668
I do not SPUD. suntree 69eeace93bb5e51756470bd69121bef585fb7a3e 40023040 59.68 557 10442 2314
I do not SPUD. sharkthelion dbe6bd5f5841d0290fdd1fd9892021a670cceae1 40039640 64.60 115 2978 1627
I will power up for SPUD 10 and this will be the first time. billybohner c7ca0a3193cbaeecf0df6a0692c2a2f515d5156c 40083814 54.64 0 1920 1656
Other (please tell me more!) wakeupkitty dba746f896cb5b73d54c09195946aafcd020bcb3 40027715 71.65 3052 34678 2284