Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
I autovote with steemauto already. jeffjagoe 1d8427366f5226e0646ac83e89dcb48dcd89267c 40079249 75.47 97236 33112 2882
I autovote with steemauto already. akdx 2fd4557b025b23303f352ed55cdaaa145bbbfe81 40094621 67.69 5977 13321 2283
I autovote with steemauto already. d-zero a6fadcf40cf46569744ca3761d2860fb12d59c26 40114289 70.79 4163 11953 2319
I autovote with steemauto already. chunkysoupsvc 35f1cd676cb0a53ba87ec9afa2f9046528854b4e 40101821 61.93 1985 2138 1949
I autovote with steemauto already. xplosive 32f558a70796ab3422dbeba7b960bcb97a79c345 40079206 71.43 936 22514 2573
I autovote with steemauto already. frugalgamer aa8332cccecec2a63f8dc7235c488d67b2a9ef9d 40087925 58.37 110 845 1930
I autovote with steemauto already. maxer27 0f707bdd19f60d119c98f3b706d5ad50738ca779 40105137 67.79 45 10826 2546
I do not autovote. abbak7 cc5c4bd727e0552bb32cdc77d59b602cc187a0e9 40086382 72.16 39433 20558 2435
I do not autovote. grider123 578e60d1dab44d9515faf7f0a73485c1a613b70b 40095639 69.42 1536 2263 2575
I do not autovote. billybohner 858344deb57ee26d8572017ec0019c9c0a30b8ea 40088386 54.64 0 1920 1656
I autovote with a different service (please give the link in your comment.) sharkthelion dc9f65af0ab064d2f11bbf85a7b15cbf5dab23b8 40080630 64.60 115 2978 1627
I used STEEMDunk and now will set up somewhere else. guruvaj 93d9dd7cd2aea1a5fbd9b6dba467ec2e6fe3483f 40104394 66.10 5024 12453 2394
Other (please tell me more!) wakeupkitty 1fe476dfe1b8bf27fd2c56f44ffc6d8a0d8ba524 40088324 71.65 3052 34678 2284