Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only russia-btc 0fd54495c4ca045a57f671d4dcc083f3f9c7dfb7 42886406 63.47 31365 7001 1945
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only chrisaiki b742375e1d28e24dd206f21e71952bbf96ff63a2 42871010 67.22 8088 5844 2839
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only akdx 0e99fb92c60792397c1ca160d39de8c4add6667d 42897821 67.66 6605 13301 2268
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only fredkese 7705c618a0c8699d10858e6a17a5ea755172fc5a 43016886 70.72 1288 33231 2404
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only erica005 23a078ade04f3f06ee65776f311ee163c799b1e9 42896496 59.79 829 3542 2193
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only suntree adf5d19f21467ffb5b34874c1047182066d525d7 42882631 59.68 557 10442 2300
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only misschance 2ddbb44539f3a5ccfa0939dc4e0c663407002d6b 43037393 61.06 463 1569 1802
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only pereu4ivatel cdf5e20a833e7dab54338b8746ac5d98b0c23cbe 42878632 59.76 136 2568 2230
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only zaibkang 5cb83d87919b1713708f0758f4fa8661929f3d18 42930579 66.15 82 5472 2220
Solving poverty cost 80 billion only maxer27 3dd83c0dba358a6c873238a567241f0913e7be09 42914694 67.79 45 10826 2531
Nobody know how to organize the planet for a better wealth jeffjagoe 9527bae520f7ee6d02937cf63f3e9fb9c4e86f04 42886230 75.43 100914 32991 2867
Nobody know how to organize the planet for a better wealth abbak7 f3c5f8f80ae85d27d97482180e779650416f1ce9 42902102 72.14 39240 20528 2420
Nobody know how to organize the planet for a better wealth wakeupkitty 2d50d13107c1de875ebfcdce0409dd7152c760ee 42898996 71.63 3032 34656 2269