Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics abbak7 4863f76fbc1e010aec4a564fce8e11454a34c3ed 36619693 72.16 39433 20558 2435
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics vimukthi 9923d7a80e588ae8b61b85d265c9f2de1ac54b31 36682390 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics drlobes 7a1fc60486323a2dae7647cfc701b2c56ad7c846 36641370 69.08 13180 6002 1765
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics d-zero 1e619b85c7db23da2c8d118c32b41629dfaed4d2 36675766 70.79 4163 11953 2319
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics fredkese 97c576c96accdd7ff340f4d53ecc2938552c6d25 36638241 70.74 1304 33363 2419
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics outlinez 494f839015e34ae4b1abde8629a026bf99a8e6dc 36619563 70.11 248 4204 2322
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics literalypotato 595dcc2d944419ff3fa32ce94323cbf06883d215 36620791 53.78 169 717 1831
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics maxer27 ab9f24274fe7c8169ea58c024ac306ae0625a4e1 36638539 67.79 45 10826 2546
Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics gamemods cf0e2bdbc15395a75a94b0678e07e65c5440abea 36622389 58.42 0 1782 1823
No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics jeffjagoe ff518b487fdccd59e54891fce9f44369b1488ac6 36626597 75.47 97236 33112 2882
No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics hatoto 1903a1122fe64afdcc8811e50e56cca2f35f6e37 36698835 68.47 8997 8965 2284
No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics akdx d42e2143da2738fa1477ca0e3c1f28d090764d7b 36646811 67.69 5977 13321 2283
No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics chunkysoupsvc 3f6de461b79800030016d297e9b3fe7ab1815c5c 36622490 61.93 1985 2138 1949
No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics ili0braz af13f15f26cc5012f6d68ef7fe6a0146ec76a4e4 36643351 64.08 153 3357 2576
No, I don't see correlation between intelligence and political affection wakeupkitty 36ad84b01c4b8af4f1443b7ce7c665e32273a6c6 36636837 71.65 3052 34678 2284