Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. abbak7 091d93a423931af541c831480769eb866a75f670 45753159 72.16 39433 20558 2435
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. russia-btc b13e13b7c0ee135e1802b5c68b06944ac3264ecb 45754144 63.60 31458 7042 1960
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. fredkese b54e69cc066838da6bc6583b46ae5eaef6f45783 45771948 70.74 1304 33363 2419
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. bluerobo d2358c7232644fa36e2c7d9f6ad406490a143d5b 45751471 69.09 1285 6898 2078
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. maxer27 6454eaef5a2817ec3a3ada83de0a47ea6f5d456e 45830699 67.79 45 10826 2546
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. anonymouser 1d2ed6686b5c3153a452abcbba51ac5429c245e5 45773351 56.52 0 1875 1515
W – With a second wave of the virus, a second bottom in the economy is approaching. billybohner c479bdef74adea79a313bc15431bf7244dabd35c 45771099 54.64 0 1920 1656
K – Some people up, others down. Society will become even more divided economically. abbak7 091d93a423931af541c831480769eb866a75f670 45753159 72.16 39433 20558 2435
K – Some people up, others down. Society will become even more divided economically. vimukthi ea3b17d030522b73ba6b1c79e370c84e952f0651 45753948 74.99 14952 24404 2515
K – Some people up, others down. Society will become even more divided economically. che-shyr 38e960b1660571034088b8f407f6390fb21d8ab4 45777262 43.86 97 605 2440
K – Some people up, others down. Society will become even more divided economically. anonymouser 1d2ed6686b5c3153a452abcbba51ac5429c245e5 45773351 56.52 0 1875 1515
K – Some people up, others down. Society will become even more divided economically. billybohner c479bdef74adea79a313bc15431bf7244dabd35c 45771099 54.64 0 1920 1656
L – After the free fall, a very long stagnation follows, near the lowest level. maxer27 6454eaef5a2817ec3a3ada83de0a47ea6f5d456e 45830699 67.79 45 10826 2546
L – After the free fall, a very long stagnation follows, near the lowest level. anonymouser 1d2ed6686b5c3153a452abcbba51ac5429c245e5 45773351 56.52 0 1875 1515
L – After the free fall, a very long stagnation follows, near the lowest level. billybohner c479bdef74adea79a313bc15431bf7244dabd35c 45771099 54.64 0 1920 1656
WW – Three or more infection waves, three or more depression bottoms. maxer27 6454eaef5a2817ec3a3ada83de0a47ea6f5d456e 45830699 67.79 45 10826 2546
WW – Three or more infection waves, three or more depression bottoms. anonymouser 1d2ed6686b5c3153a452abcbba51ac5429c245e5 45773351 56.52 0 1875 1515
U – Steep and quick fall, a longer bottom, but a quick recovery some later (early next year?). bluerobo d2358c7232644fa36e2c7d9f6ad406490a143d5b 45751471 69.09 1285 6898 2078
Other (please, comment) d-zero 9cf564b1fc5f3cfc2bc712cac6b258c004641523 45811779 70.79 4163 11953 2319