Account | SP | VESTS |
@arcange | 616K | 1B |
@jeffjagoe | 97K | 167M |
@louis88 | 68K | 117M |
@detlev | 39K | 68M |
@abbak7 | 39K | 67M |
@russia-btc | 31K | 54M |
@spooks | 23K | 41M |
@glenalbrethsen | 20K | 35M |
@rem-steem | 10K | 18M |
@thales7 | 1K | 2M |
@smooms | 1K | 2M |
@bluerobo | 1K | 2M |
@abitcoinskeptic | 953 | 1M |
@uwelang | 846 | 1M |
@suntree | 557 | 961K |
@white-star | 502 | 866K |
@coolsurfer | 132 | 228K |
@pepijin | 40 | 69K |
@travelnepal | 4 | 8K |
@nokodemion | 0 | 11 |
@queqtra | N/A | N/A |
@pizzaboy77 | N/A | N/A |
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