Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
4. Rahaf has set an example for the Muslim women around the world to emulate her and speak up for women's rights. abbak7 missing missing 72.16 39433 20558 2435
4. Rahaf has set an example for the Muslim women around the world to emulate her and speak up for women's rights. rem-steem missing missing 78.03 10899 21794 2023
4. Rahaf has set an example for the Muslim women around the world to emulate her and speak up for women's rights. deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
4. Rahaf has set an example for the Muslim women around the world to emulate her and speak up for women's rights. hafizullah missing missing 77.17 8 16449 2284
5. Some of the above, namely .......... devann missing missing 60.85 12921 1687 2098
5. Some of the above, namely .......... akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
3. Rahaf is very silly and immature and deserve to be chastised for her actions. syyed missing missing 56.66 110 543 2259
6. Others (Please comment) vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515