Should Bionic human-enhancing technologies be banned?

Asked by epicdave Promote - View in - Audit

Should Bionic human-enhancing technologies be banned? Yes or No! Technology has improved all of our lives! Here on Steemit, we're able to connect with each other and/or make money from our posts.

Your current Smart Phone was considered a fantasy 20 years ago, and in 20 years time, new technologies may be considered fantasy by today's standards

We are living in an age where breakthrough technological and medical advancements are becoming the norm.

Artificial prosthesis have restored functionality for some who were crippled, Cochlear implants now enable the deaf to hear. Research is ongoing into printing 'bionic' eyes which will restore sight to the blind, 3D bioprinted hearts are being researched to replace pacemakers and diseased hearts, saving lives and improving peoples' quality of life. However, should we limit bionic technologies that enhance humans?

University of Minnesota, McAlpine Group,3D-printed prototype for bionic eye (video)

Research is also currently ongoing into Human Enhancement. to quote wiki this is > Any attempt to temporarily or permanently overcome the current limitations of the human body through artificial means.

It is conceivable that within 15 to 20 years, we may have the ability for people to have characteristics and capacities that lie beyond the existing human range... In short, we may enable people to have abnormally enhances abilities, from increased strength to artificially improved senses.

The concept was popularized as "augmentations" with the recent Deus Ex Video Games. However, it leads us with the question that should such technologies be allowed or banned?

Yes: The case against Human Enhancement .

This covers a whole host of concerns focused around creating 'superhumans'. This technology could initially be limited to the rich, leaving the majority of the populous unable to afford such technologies. On the religious and moral arguments, people have stated that we should not exceed what we are designed to do.

No: The case for allowing such enhancements.

The phone you possess enhances your human condition, you now have abilities that would be considered magic only 40 years ago. The major difference is the way you interact with such technologies, instead of needing an external device, the device is now integrated into your body...

Arthur Clarke once stated that > "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".

The situation is complex, and a debate that will need to be had by policy makers in years to come.

Until then, feel free to add your vote and please do comment below!

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No: Humanity's future is intertwined with Technology. This is just the next step in our development. (100.0%) 11 / 11
100.0% Complete (success)

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