Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Reducing the use of smartphones at night vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Reducing the use of smartphones at night rem-steem missing missing 78.03 10899 21794 2023
Reducing the use of smartphones at night sayee missing missing 74.28 5869 10545 2465
Reducing the use of smartphones at night conradt missing missing 68.12 3051 6172 2305
Reducing the use of smartphones at night akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
All of the above jeffjagoe missing missing 75.47 97236 33112 2882
All of the above abbak7 missing missing 72.16 39433 20558 2435
All of the above xplosive missing missing 71.43 936 22514 2573
All of the above suntree missing missing 59.68 557 10442 2314
All of the above hafizullah missing missing 77.17 8 16449 2284
Good environment vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Good environment sayee missing missing 74.28 5869 10545 2465
Good environment akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Good environment deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
Eat less caffeine and alcohol sayee missing missing 74.28 5869 10545 2465
Eat less caffeine and alcohol conradt missing missing 68.12 3051 6172 2305
Eat less caffeine and alcohol akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Eat less caffeine and alcohol deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
Others vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Others akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Others deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
Turn Off the lamp before sleeping vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Turn Off the lamp before sleeping deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
Try to sleep at certain times sayee missing missing 74.28 5869 10545 2465
Try to sleep at certain times akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529