Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Other(tell the city you choose) abbak7 missing missing 72.16 39433 20558 2435
Other(tell the city you choose) vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Other(tell the city you choose) suntree missing missing 59.68 557 10442 2314
Other(tell the city you choose) akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Other(tell the city you choose) pyemoney missing missing 61.79 26 1480 2186
Other(tell the city you choose) hafizullah missing missing 77.17 8 16449 2284
Other(tell the city you choose) aydant missing missing 59.16 0 514 2395
New York valth missing missing 68.83 8671 12866 2748
New York hhaskana missing missing 53.12 91 196 2359
Sidney deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203