Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Wait for people to form committees and\or task forces on their own.Please elaborate whether anarchistically, on the SOS forums, or in any other way. vimukthi missing missing 74.99 14952 24404 2515
Wait for people to form committees and\or task forces on their own.Please elaborate whether anarchistically, on the SOS forums, or in any other way. valth missing missing 68.83 8671 12866 2748
Wait for people to form committees and\or task forces on their own.Please elaborate whether anarchistically, on the SOS forums, or in any other way. hafizullah missing missing 77.17 8 16449 2284
None of the above\Other (?) emrebeyler missing missing 75.74 302963 6510 2432
None of the above\Other (?) akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Elect committee\task force members by Steemians. Please elaborate on how the voting process should work. therealwolf missing missing 76.63 37053 5527 2480
Form an assembly to elect the committees\task forces. Please elaborate how would you like this assembly to be chosen. shredz7 missing missing 60.09 325 907 2327
Predetermine members by their rank in SP\UA\Rep\Witness Placement\Other. Please specify which metric you prefer. bluerobo missing missing 69.09 1285 6898 2078