Which tribe token do you consider as the best at the moment ?

Asked by memess Promote - View in Hive.blog - Audit

Hello, i think you readed the title and you now want to help me answer this question. So scrol down a bit and answer this Big Poll the "biggest" tribe token are in the top of the answer list, i used hive-engine to list all the different tribes but i missed some token and put them at the end of the list (sorry pepe, slothbuzz, thg, brk, seem like h-e don't like you LOL)

Anyway this poll will close in a month so you have the time to share it too all the members of you community in order to win the Ultimate tribe token poll

If i forgot your favourite tribe token well i'm really sorry but listing more than 50 tribe token without forgetting any isn't really easy

hope you will have fun exploring all the possibilty listed, Happy voting

Last thing you can vote for multiple option it's much funnier with a lot of votes right ?

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