Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Yes. Especially if it's also well written, because the author puts in a lot of effort. valth missing missing 68.83 8671 12866 2748
Yes. Especially if it's also well written, because the author puts in a lot of effort. bluerobo missing missing 69.09 1285 6898 2078
Yes. Especially if it's also well written, because the author puts in a lot of effort. akomoajong missing missing 66.24 216 16421 2529
Yes. Especially if it's also well written, because the author puts in a lot of effort. syyed missing missing 56.66 110 543 2259
Yes. Especially if it's also well written, because the author puts in a lot of effort. hafizullah missing missing 77.17 8 16449 2284
Other (plz mention) pjau missing missing 63.75 1711 3338 2547
Other (plz mention) suntree missing missing 59.68 557 10442 2314
Other (plz mention) trayan missing missing 67.27 390 8800 2574
Other (plz mention) freebornangel missing missing 72.10 11 19626 2842
Other (plz mention) deathcross missing missing 77.76 10 5866 2203
I prefer posts that promote engagement even if it's a two lines post. abbak7 missing missing 72.16 39433 20558 2435
I prefer posts that promote engagement even if it's a two lines post. oclinton missing missing 44.36 6 2382 2303
No. Long articles are boring. yaanivapeji missing missing 65.26 6 9249 2532