How would you describe your steem journey so far?

Asked by mindtrap Promote - View in - Audit

You don't have to be an expert to realize that activity is way lower the last few months. I know that the price of steem is probably the most important factor, but there are also cases where people just need a break...

Those of us who have been active, especially during this bear market will be benefited the most when things settle down...remember that.

I joined steem in January know what that means, right? Yeah, during ATH's and hype...but what I want to know is how your steem journey has been up until now.

Are things playing out the way you were told / imagined?

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Not even close (kindly explain why) (33.33%) 4 / 12
33.33% Complete (success)
I haven't thought of it yet (also kindly explain why) (33.33%) 4 / 12
33.33% Complete (success)
Beyond every imagination (kindly explain why) (25.0%) 3 / 12
25.0% Complete (success)
Exactly the way I thought it would be (kindly explain) (8.33%) 1 / 12
8.33% Complete (success)

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