Do you like "Riu Chiu" by The Monkees?

Asked by movievigilante Promote - View in - Audit

Riu Chiu (aka Ríu Ríu Chíu) is an old Spanish villancico that has become known as a Christmas carol in modern times.

The Monkees performed a live a cappella version of the song on an episode of their TV show, that aired on December 25th, 1967 ("The Monkees' Christmas Show). It features Micky Dolenz on lead vocal with Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork and Davy Jones providing backing vocals and harmonies.

A studio version was later released but for some unknown reason, producer Chip Douglas sang Davy Jones' part.

Now, for the first time, the TV version has been officially released as a bonus song on a Target exclusive of The Monkees' new Christmas album, Christmas Party.


Ríu, ríu, chíu, la guarda ribera, Dios guardó el lobo de nuestra cordera.[8]

El lobo rabioso la quiso morder Mas Dios Poderoso la supo defender Quísola hacer que no pudiese pecar Ni aun original esta virgen no tuviera.

Éste que es nacido es el Gran Monarca Cristo Patriarca de carne vestido Hamos redimido con se hacer chiquito Aunque era infinito finito se hiciera.

Yo vi mil Garzones que andavan cantando Por aqui volando haciendo mil sones Diciendo a gascones Gloria sea en el Cielo Y paz en el suelo pues Jesús nasciera.

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