Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. jeffjagoe d808d264e5ec43a7acc7d028c86c6c8c89ce625b 32219200 75.47 97236 33112 2882
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. russia-btc 4b99eab996694f00101ea43b9cf6699f08617a26 32215263 63.60 31458 7042 1960
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. glenalbrethsen 814f3973ef0034f3f0dfca1261f5c576f0b97847 32340207 70.84 20324 14363 2345
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. rem-steem 30c892702a657dc8c3ec8e07825ebfb6441bee46 32216496 78.03 10899 21794 2023
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. suntree b190b0f948ac29b72ed335f6d242e8aaaef67c62 32241900 59.68 557 10442 2314
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. niel96 641755dc07d5e805c61440e3abb3767352d1d671 32300800 69.90 533 5193 2185
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. akomoajong 86c2e81c2033da8b2c5b0fd0616dbb2222faadeb 32238845 66.24 216 16421 2529
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. 16c64b60a60a87e8b3d59a41c457e7269e048524 32216020 40.63 54 8 1902
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. pepijin 1f0912210f63ec2b13d1fbc801aacac800d05b31 32244055 48.16 40 408 1992
Religion is not the primary cause of gender inequality. deathcross 53a8ef0583f551b70ae26f2ee48e81c0bc6e51de 32266004 77.76 10 5866 2203
Religion is the primary cause of gender inequality. abbak7 e9982600af8c9c195211e1c0df2342ec39b835e2 32215221 72.16 39433 20558 2435