Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
A player wants to get to a lower ranking to finish the daily quest. louis88 missing missing 78.16 67258 7151 2285
A player wants to get to a lower ranking to finish the daily quest. vimukthi missing missing 74.94 14818 24262 2480
A player wants to get to a lower ranking to finish the daily quest. valth missing missing 68.83 8647 12866 2713
A player wants to get to a lower ranking to finish the daily quest. akomoajong missing missing 66.24 214 16421 2495
They're overwhelmed with the combat system. altobee missing missing 65.40 4077 4672 2281
They're overwhelmed with the combat system. variola missing missing 53.71 4 370 2248
They're overwhelmed with the combat system. jarlax missing missing 32.38 1 15 2035
They lost a bet. greatlife missing missing 54.34 2 383 2313
They lost a bet. lyanna missing missing 56.38 1 274 2076
They lost a bet. zintar missing missing 38.10 1 18 2076
A bot got out of control. isnochys missing missing 67.44 11860 22812 2431
A bot got out of control. clove71 missing missing 77.12 4924 12864 2493
They can afford only two cards. abbak7 missing missing 72.09 38986 20429 2400
They can afford only two cards. oogie missing missing 34.59 8 13 1996
They're looking for an Easer Egg hidden in the game according to @yabapmatt. oliverschmid missing missing 70.27 376 7551 2342
A bot wants to get himself on a lower ranking to finish the daily quest and save RC. hawk399 missing missing 47.72 29 749 2291
After a battle excess of several days they fell asleep and slammed their heads onto the keyboard. rondras missing missing 63.38 490 1216 2328