Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
Taking precautions with this mindset, I could potentially transmit the virus abbak7 181d0a7d1b877e55569e7da9a3d7d2493ec8b621 50225133 72.13 39212 20524 2417
Taking precautions with this mindset, I could potentially transmit the virus d-zero 2151bb59cd5505685406657f0817cd9e4728ce3f 50254811 70.78 4152 11938 2301
Taking precautions with this mindset, I could potentially transmit the virus badpupper fb2cf4e695c88d9234ca821cc0ac4012907d8354 50222363 68.44 2589 11587 2184
Taking precautions with this mindset, I could potentially transmit the virus fredkese 3de4e8f6da5b14780dea9a0273d1c6b0593c3a8e 50300720 70.71 1286 33203 2402
Taking precautions with a mindset, it was other people who exposed me to COVID19 jeffjagoe c80df1210fa0e19920eb58244c6d7bb514ae8655 50334730 75.43 100892 32991 2864
Taking precautions with a mindset, it was other people who exposed me to COVID19 wakeupkitty 7a305e9cce7bc9e77df36e9582a3449ed8eb2ada 50404757 71.63 3031 34649 2267