Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
To Up Your Pride abbak7 af62502bdd7bd90b85ce21b660a713b4e0fe0e0a 30216099 72.09 38998 20430 2401
To Up Your Pride rem-steem 26068a49bfe265b525925d9d6dfd328ee73471b0 30217370 77.99 10661 21643 1989
To Up Your Pride akomoajong 2a2ec16546ca566c8da42daef5082675d6a329e2 30217967 66.24 214 16421 2495
Part and Material never disappointed jeffjagoe f33f2dde937918408d6c1444748dd1ae8df16190 30214693 75.38 67594 32868 2847
Part and Material never disappointed syyed 6c7ab2b134d6cc78f73aeddfbaae4345f3e1db01 30218019 56.66 110 543 2225
The Privacy and Policy vimukthi 02240a6767acbd09a8fce2878560345d4c8bf438 30231858 74.94 14819 24265 2481
Show up to your friend niel96 1fe5b7037ecd9612f8c23ca0dff2dc7c03db93c0 30220795 69.90 531 5193 2151