
Если максимально учесть все настроечные голосования, получится такая консенсусная картинка

chess.com (41.67%) lichess.org (33.33%) brainking.com (8.33%) <= register
Atomic (18.18%)
Crazyhouse (26.32%) 10+0 5+10 7.00GMT (odd)
Dark (27.27%)
Extinction (31.25%) 1h 12.00GMT (even)
Fortress (15.79%)
Ice Age (15.79%)
Recycle (25.0%)
чтоб внести в установки изменения - просто голосуйте;                               
зарегистрировавшись, оставляйте тренировочный камент в формате невезухи;                            
и получайте тестовые моральные компенсации

После присоединения первых соучастников, которые ещё доголосуют, внесём желанные коррективы, но пока у брэйнкінга голосов маловато.

Для начала создано пару сообществ "Шкоролевство на блогчейнах" (queendom on blogchains) image.png (створено: 11 та 12 лип. 2020 р.)

1) https://www.chess.com/club/shkorolevstvo-na-blogcheinakh 2) https://lichess.org/team/RppB0sAq 3) перерегистрация на аяксплєйкоме для шустрой игры втёмную ничё не дала, сайт грустит

и 2 тестовых турнира

test game type control 13.07.2020
1) https://www.chess.com/live#t=1313399 Fischer Random (960) 10+0 7.00GMT
2) https://lichess.org/tournament/eK3twr7v Crazyhouse 5+10 12.00GMT

в последнем помните о режиме берсерка пояса.png (actually, there should be a checklist with your favorite places in your time zones)

summary of previous episodes

> If we want to saturate the people with something, money should be tied to a loaf, a ticket to the circus and other petty frictions

> The causes of tribal degeneration are not economic but mental

After the game, while emotions are fresh, players leave a comment in format

player imaginary team today no luck
nickname from the game site favorite music style your interpretation

A modest friendly upvote of accomplices pours about a dozen coins to unlucky, thus increasing compensation and reducing the number of uniform movements from the side of admins. You can even embed a screenshot, for example > image.png (shoegazing) провтыкал вечный шах, о'горе мне

Compensation will come on the next, 3rd, 5th, 7th and trifle on the 14th day. To each - according to his fork (numbers are better on steem, you can change residence at any time in the settings). In theory, seven days a week:) And for starters, the players themselves will determine whether they are supposed to claim a sedative.

> at the 7/8th step Tribal chiefs are invited to participate:) >- Play and reward who is bigger.

  • пиздацарям идёт по плану


style differentiation a b c d e f g h i k
opera @jkms @gengua @coffeebuds https://i.postimg.cc/nh4b75mz/weedcash-token-gear.png @blocktrades $ @battlegames https://i.imgur.com/2goolhg.png @cryptobrewmaster $
heavy metal @jrevilla @kobusu @elprofe62 @gingerbyna @creativecoin https://steemitimages.com/640x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmfJtyqNLx8gU6UD1hcHjmCv4kYAyxS5ZogzpFecNBGtCS/CCdiscordLogo.png @foxconnmars @fiveboringgames
ru-rock, punk, R&R @kreur @maxer27 @mstafford @khaleelkazi https://media.giphy.com/media/eLXRoZZkWMAyqEpic0/giphy.gif @infowarslife https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcqBUw1ecrm9UtagH6cJWD47G2PHg3aawVZvCdbhwL4R9/infowar-01SQUARE.png @neoxiantoken https://i.ibb.co/4PjpHbr/neo-silver.png @marcusantoniu26
lounge @walner @rodrook @stemgeeks https://i.imgur.com/AR7LTBD.png @maciejficek @lasseehlers https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcrq9wJTunW7GSKkzq5Vd8JqB4UrTkXPxzFKsFjhKajwg/Lassecash_logo_circle_256x256.png @stayoutoftherz @minnowsupport https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmXtBwx7kBvo68vbF3NpRV1jKBC2Ddbs667b7GPzovSxDp/image.png
grunge, hard, indie @yazp @vadbars @the01crow @gravitcaper @rafaelaquino @teamukraine @sportstalksocial $

Dynamics leading by type of game

1 Четверні 11 випадкові Капабланки 21 Слона
2 960 по Фішеру* 12 Кінні 22 Божевільні екранні
3 Амазонські 13 Цар гори 23 Кутові
4 Атомні* (18.18%) 14 Крейзіхаус* (23.53%) 24 Знищення (31.25%)
5 Бегемота 15 Фортечні (кутові +3) 25 Циклічні (25%)
6 Бероліна🨯 16 діагональні Легана 26 Циліндричні
7 Великі 17 Льодовикові (17.65%) 27 Чеширського кота
8 Втемну (27.27%) 18 Парні 28 Екранні
9 Готичні 19 Різанина 29 Янус
10 до 3х шахів* 20 з кістьми 10х10 30 Шведські 2х2

__ > *(Y) на всіх 3х сайтах

change settings
  1. We change the world order (blockchain/0)
  2. Hour play
  3. Style teams (first-generation)
  4. Gaming site
  5. Time control
  6. ~~Type of game (30)~~ (broken, vote 10 each in reverse)
  7. Token connection (type of game-3)
  8. Pegging (on the revival of extinct tribes) - (type of game-2)
  9. Additional compensation (type of game-1)

Now choose a game for tomorrow

You need to be logged in to vote for the polls. Click to log in via HiveSigner.

2) Crazyhouse (5+10) = 12.00GMT - 13.07.2020 (100.0%) 4 / 4
100.0% Complete (success)

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