Why is There a Dollar Shortage in China?

Asked by phusionphil Promote - View in Hive.blog - Audit

Why is there a dollar shortage in China?

Luckin Coffee 2019 sales figures were incorrect by about 2.2 billion yuan ($310 million USD). There is claims

Further reading before you consider answering the question,

China Doesn't Deliver to the Philippines


China Struggling to Regulate International Trade


Crimes Against Humanity

The United States Feels its Not Humane to continue trading with China due to the lack of concern for Uighur Muslims in the North Eastern regions of China, a potential genocide is occurring there at the hands of the Chinese Government. Crimes against humanity can not go unacknowledged. Uighur Muslims https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/30/us/politics/house-intelligence-china.html

Evidence Starting in 2007 of Alive Falun Gong Organs

Falun Gong practitioners were victims of living organ transplants, so rich Chinese elite politicians could pump up the Chinese health care standard with organ transplant statistics that no other nation could match. As usual with most things in china, a long trail of blood, depravity and neglect for humanity is found in the wake of the CCP's reign. https://youtu.be/iouJsHmBDcc

China Owns the Worlds Largest Corporate Debt

Evergrande Finances nearly caused 50 Trillion dollars of economic fallout this week, but the Chinese government bailed them out of course, I wonder where the public record of the bailout is, oh wait.... thats a state secret in China because us peons aren't good enough for the knowledge of the all powerful communist state... https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/china-evergrande-gets-lifeline-strategic-111717785.html?guccounter=1

India is Not Playing Nice Anymore

India has been very forgiving the lack of Chinese compassion for the national border between the 2 countries and that border dispute has strained the economic relations of the 2 countries. https://thediplomat.com/2020/09/indian-and-chinese-foreign-ministers-fail-to-achieve-breakthrough-in-ladakh-crisis/

Hauwei CFO is Arrested in Canada to be Etradited to USA

> Lawyers for the Canadian government asked a judge on Tuesday to keep Hauwei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou's extradition case to the United States "on the straight and narrow" and described the evidence presented by the defence as inadmissible. https://news.yahoo.com/canada-present-arguments-latest-round-070344662.html

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Communists are not skilled at producing GDP (25.0%) 1 / 4
25.0% Complete (success)
China produces low quality goods, failed their goal to be known for Chinese quality (Xi's promise in his election) (25.0%) 1 / 4
25.0% Complete (success)
Must abstain, I am Chinese and the government will torture or murder my loved ones. (25.0%) 1 / 4
25.0% Complete (success)
I trust the Chinese Communist government will resolve the shortage. (25.0%) 1 / 4
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