How old should children be kept away from Smart Devices?

Asked by sbaby Promote - View in - Audit

In this age of technology we have all become more or less accustomed to using different types of smart devices. Due to which almost everyone in our house has a smart device in their hands. While all of these technology-dependent smart devices play a role in increasing our capacity, they are far more harmful to our children in terms of health.

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In your opinion, how old should children be kept away from these smart devices?

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5-6 years (37.5%) 3 / 8
37.5% Complete (success)
Others (37.5%) 3 / 8
37.5% Complete (success)
6-7 years (12.5%) 1 / 8
12.5% Complete (success)
7-8 years (12.5%) 1 / 8
12.5% Complete (success)

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