Asked by shenan Promote - View in Hive.blog - Audit

Hi! Due to the newest post on "Splinterlands Development Update - Q1 2020", and the paragraph there: > Tournament Allowed Card Updates First on the list for development is some updates to the options for the types of cards that can be allowed in tournaments. Going forward, tournament creators will be allowed to choose any combination of card editions that are able to be used in the tournament. This is also separate from the card foil restrictions as well as the "No Legendaries" and "No Legendary Summoners" options, which leads to a huge number of different "allowed card" options that are now available.

I ask you to pay attention and support the propositon that you can see on the screen here:

  • also to make the way to set the conditions, of what cards are allowed
  • to make the way to choose the RULESET for the challenge - it will very help to make the modifications where the third party developers can make the tutorials, walk-through mini-games to teach the newbies, to invovle them in different third-party quests (Only imagine the Strategy game, where the gamer must choose one Splinter, or another to conquer or defend his Splinterland
  • to make the different kinds of Booster Packs (even Orbs) be chosen as a wager & OF COURSE a DEC ... and maybe any interesting other tokens (from steem-engine.com)

Please, support these ideas to promote them to the todo team list of @yabapmatt & @cryptomancer ('congrats him in the team now!)

Thank you for any help & attention!


P.S. If you are still not playing the game - it is here: Splinterlands

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