Art Value: is this dragon worth more than $20?

Asked by steemseph Promote - View in - Audit

The correct answer is "yes," but we are playing a "financial" game today. Don't hate the player, please continue reading. I love and hate this piece.

As time passes, I hate it less.

The longer I posses it, the more I feel possessed by the past.

FTS, bills are more important. Do you recognize the piece?

If you do, what would you sell it for?

I know it. Sell it for $500-$1000.

I know it. Sell it for $100-$500

I know it. Sell it for $50-$100

I know it. Sell it for $20-$50

I don't know it. (#shitpost)

I don't know it. Try using this thing called the internet to research the piece.

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I don't know it. Try using this thing called the internet to research the piece. (100.0%) 8 / 8
100.0% Complete (success)

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