Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. jeffjagoe 009304d7da2414147453d678e66d91fe44a9cbb4 35868696 75.47 97236 33112 2882
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. abbak7 410f51090157da048e023e42b215ffad4717cfdb 35843011 72.16 39433 20558 2435
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. vimukthi 72ca7fd6efbe65984bc484cfa7aa00de2749f783 35841610 74.99 14952 24404 2515
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. d-zero f2fd4f52992f4269939cab6abbd1e59546902f4f 35865062 70.79 4163 11953 2319
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. fredkese 53e012ec2425afee38e4dd4edfaf66ebde0350ef 35842167 70.74 1304 33363 2419
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. tdre 9287a2f2a881dd3b9a930223c852fffeb01adf79 35841506 65.07 1154 1393 2367
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. bxlphabet 2b701f5eb8fbefbd123942a2692d615708483c95 35860186 66.06 386 5323 2473
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. ili0braz 90744cbd0418b6091dc984f5ce0e1e53b7682eb2 35852125 64.08 153 3357 2576
I will downvote about the same and currently I never downvote or only rarely. maxer27 28cd2aafb14a0dc1a13002347f0901bbb1f4df2d 35859082 67.79 45 10826 2546
I will downvote more and currently I never downvote or only rarely. howo 38823a05160ee5db895a215a1c2799826b85455e 35868869 75.66 103449 2407 2531
I will downvote more and currently I never downvote or only rarely. hatoto a1ff851fd3ef5f6bf2a3653f5730567a9f03741c 35898481 68.47 8997 8965 2284
I will downvote more and currently I never downvote or only rarely. xplosive 6e0c503e30215bb5bca29b59a238a526d22f40c2 35847535 71.43 936 22514 2573
I will downvote less and currently I never downvote or only rarely. akdx 9049acf80cf0f7c9f2cb10af582628c952570345 35852968 67.69 5977 13321 2283
I will downvote less and currently I never downvote or only rarely. wakeupkitty 56d38637f29a052160ee169b9d6386991fd014ad 35859076 71.65 3052 34678 2284
I will downvote about the same and currently I downvote quite a lot. kingsofa cb5c5556b8abdbd3a4b6181b494f825562a943b9 35851605 53.21 649 972 2127