What would make you use the GitPlait community/project?

Asked by tykee Promote - View in Hive.blog - Audit


GitPlait was announced to the public about 6 weeks ago and the community is still picking up as there are no many members for now.

For those that do not know what we do. Gitplait a community/project on the Hive BC that supports tutorials, devs collaboration and devs solving questions that are related to coding. This is the community link and we have a simple UI https://gitplait.tech/ to showcase contents that are coming in the community.

We have gotten a few supports of delegation and the @gitplait account hold 1325 HIVE POWER.

This is the look of our landing page, and we have categories for all sort of programming languages.


What would make you use GitPlait? You may choose more than one answers. Thanks!

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If I can publish other tutorials that are not related to Development (37.5%) 6 / 16
37.5% Complete (success)
If I see others(community) using it. (25.0%) 4 / 16
25.0% Complete (success)
If I will get a suitable reward for my dev tutorials and engagements (12.5%) 2 / 16
12.5% Complete (success)
If GitPlait have a more functioning system where we can interact via gitplait.tech (12.5%) 2 / 16
12.5% Complete (success)
None of all- Share your thoughts. (12.5%) 2 / 16
12.5% Complete (success)

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