Do You Use or At Least Know About Session? It's Better Than Signal

Asked by vimukthi Promote - View in - Audit

I have been using Session app on multiple devices. I have only managed to convince few of my friends to use it. Some of them loved it and others preferred the more feature rich alternatives like Telegram. Session comes with features even WhatsApp does not have and the level of privacy is unmatched even by Signal.

Watch These Videos to Get Educated

Account creation is fully anonymous with no link to real world identity. Session goes beyond the inadequate protection offered by End to End Encryption. There are many ways to figure out who and when you are talking to a person even when the content of messages are kept private. Session fixes this better than any other app that allows communication over the internet.

7 Encrypted Messaging Apps Ranked

Rob Braxman is one of the best privacy experts on YouTube with a clear understanding of the technologies used by governments, Big Tech, FOSS developers etc. I was happy to see my favorite messanger ranked #1

Session is Part of Cryptosphere

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I Have Not Heard About Session (70.0%) 7 / 10
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I Know About Session + Use It (20.0%) 2 / 10
20.0% Complete (success)
I Only Know About Session (10.0%) 1 / 10
10.0% Complete (success)

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