Choice Voter Transaction ID Block num Rep SP Post Count Account Age
The Price Will Slightly Increase For BETA Tokens jeffjagoe a62f92e54f999fd8998c5dae5a0618cd2a9e8fa9 36097928 75.36 67422 32789 2837
The Price Will Slightly Increase For BETA Tokens russia-btc fe33410337fb93807c31eed19eff648823c55d5a 36103398 63.12 31188 6911 1915
The Price Will Slightly Increase For BETA Tokens cryptoburner 299330ae04dc7de0b5735918e99ae40ecbea6950 36099801 61.44 3426 557 2281
The Price Will Slightly Increase For BETA Tokens akomoajong b773b077955933ea6f37cb59b48c7282ff33680a 36476003 66.24 214 16421 2485
The Price Will Slightly Increase For BETA Tokens maxer27 eb72989f6a7d16105f1f5f42154d7fb9ff7ba04d 36086487 67.79 45 10826 2501
The Price Will Greatly Increase For BETA Tokens d-zero 967c6b56a9828ce2446d46bbfcfebd7d3bd597b3 36120151 70.71 4095 11915 2274
The Price Will Greatly Increase For BETA Tokens bxlphabet 5344ca16f19bbf976bf6c821eebd1b5bb8304588 36090495 66.06 384 5323 2428
I Had No Idea About This Possibility akdx 2bc730875faa935715b498ab88a54159bcffd785 36100894 67.62 9159 13263 2238
I'm Opening As much Beta Packs Because The Card Prices ill Also Increase d-zero 967c6b56a9828ce2446d46bbfcfebd7d3bd597b3 36120151 70.71 4095 11915 2274
I'm Not Expecting Much Of A Price Increase For BETA Tokens abbak7 3c96e75653209b47e97a7fc8041ed8f2e488d698 36080534 72.07 38865 20395 2390
I'm Not Interested In This Investment Opportunity fredkese 62a2b18bca085d7806aba164d559675daf924b7b 36120434 70.67 1252 32904 2374