Do you remember life in the 60's?

Asked by wakeupkitty Promote - View in - Audit

It is still homeschooling.

My youngest had to interview a (grand)parent and ask how life was in the sixties. It took me the biggest part of the morning to answer what life looked like at that time. An easier, less stressful life? Paying someone a visit was normal. Most women stayed home and were housewives and men worked. We walked, had bikes, and tv only broadcasted for 2.5 hours a day. It was normal the baker, milkman, seller of cheese and eggs, all came at the front so it. No need to order online or pay extra for this service. We worked from nine till five and with these working hours, a country was (re)build. There were three meals a day and it was rude to call someone during "eating time" or after 7 pm. It was normal to wear a hat/scarf and gloves, to watch and not touch anything. A kitchen apron was quite normal just like washing your hands before dinner and after toilet visits and... No shoes inside the house.

Do you remember life in the '60s?

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Other (18.18%) 2 / 11
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